It’s not that you’re naive, it’s that you choose to wipe everything clean
To look at the world with eyes that see everything
The eyes of a little girl
It’s not that life has made you an innocent child, it’s that you chose for yourself to be yourself
To stay faithful to what’s good for you
And by choice, it’s good for you to be that little girl
The girl without a care in the world
Only the will to live
To be
A girl in
the body of a woman
The girl who has been through everything, with herself and others
The girl who gets excited from every little thing, moved by everything
The girl who isn’t afraid to be impulsive, opinionated, stupid, smart, right and wrong
And that’s what you want
It’s not because you have to
It’s a choice to do what feels good
Again and again, each time anew
Even if the price you pay is judgment from your surroundings, you live your inner truth
And it’s alright to not want to grow up
Just to get outside, go with the flow, experience, gather, and smile
With the right hand, you can get something back
It’s a lot to give but the right hand will understand the responsibility from the one in front of you
Because they get only the truth from inside you
The choice to have fun, be moved by everything as small as it may seem to others’ eyes
To smile to the world and the world smiles back
Your personality shapes your beauty
That’s what you see in the mirror
Sometimes people are put off by the dissonance between the adult reality and the truth kicking inside of them
Between a girl and a woman
And those that judge will fall
Those that see will win
It’s a simple choice, to choose to look or to look away
You choose to be without a mask
It’s not a weakness but a strength, a choice
The choice is always there
Everything you need is available to you
Not to allow your expectations to dictate for you
You dictate for yourself what’s convenient, the best place for you
To be real
A beacon of light in a black and white world
By Eli Dom