There is nothing more
Than knowing your only purpose is to serve me
A perverse meaning
Always beneath me
Under the sole of my shoe
As I step on you
As I pierce you
And you bleed
In love, falling deeper and deeper
Each moment anew
Are you ready to bleed for me?
Not just your body,
But your soul?
Are you ready to suffer
To give me your heart
To crush
To manipulate
And still, you will thank me
A thousand thank yous
For existing within you
Through fire and water
To live a life
Belonging only to me
I am not easy
I am hard
It is hard
To bear the weight
The burden
And yet, in this place
To still feel free
To forgive me forever and always
To accept everything
To become more
To crave more
We walk together in the sand
And you become the grains
The grains beneath my feet
When you are by my side
You are mine
Always my property
And I will always do with you as I wish
As I please
I will hold you
And never let go
Because once I catch you
The walls around you
Invisible as they seem
Will always be there
I am always within your space
In every step you take
In every breath
It is within you
It exists
I am here
I am there
I exist inside of you
By Eli Dom