This passion
Cruel, scarring, and burning in my hands
The pleasure of the sin
Black and blue marks
Adapt and fix to the skin
And you see light
And you
Find freedom in servitude
You find yourself when you let go
And you are you
A toy, nothing at all
Yet everything in my hands
Used yet fulfilled and exposed
Without defenses or walls to protect you
All by choice
The choice to be little
In the face of who I’ve come to be for you
Now I am everything to you
The cruel and evil master
The one who tests you on ever little thing
Then the daddy who hugs and guides
The one that takes you apart and then puts you back together
The friend that breaks through the walls of hurt
Through kindness and compassion
Turn the doorknob and walk in
It’s just me, the world, and you
No limits and without restrictions
Reality vs imagination
Just be
Complete freedom
While the soul is tightly bound
Unable to move
Not wanting to move
Free within the cocoon of passion
By choice
By Eli Dom