We’re developing
You and I are slowly perfecting us
Over time
We’re learning one another
Sometimes through role playing
Sometimes just as people
I want to know you
Not just your beauty or personality
I want to experience
The pain within you
Not just the pain
Visible on your face
I want to be with you on the days
When you feel like life is lost
I want to be yours when you are
So far from who you were
I want to look into the darkest rooms
Those that even you
Don’t feel comfortable
Knowing they exist
I want to absorb you
Even when you can’t stand the world
When you’re crying and yelling
At the world
I want to know you
Little girl
All that you are
All that you were
And will be
Let me experience with you
All the moments
Even if I get hurt
Even if it blows up in my face
I want to be there
Be with you
Because I truly love
And in order to truly love
All of you
I need to experience
Everything with you
Even when it’s ugly
Or when it’s beautiful
Even the bad
And of course the good
Even when it’s dark
And then when it’s light
I’m not just your dom
I’m your person
I’m your friend
I’m the lover you need
The daddy you want
The man you dreamed of
And you will be the most whole woman
That I ever met
So let me see everything
The good and also the bad
This is our journey
And I’m hungry for more
To know you so deeply
To romp around your dirt, your mud
In your gutter
Where you don’t want anyone to be
And let me know you there too
Not just where everyone wants to be
By Eli Dom